Bakery software & Labelling software calculating EU (+UK) food labels from complex multi-layered recipes (QUID). Automatically updated website with allergen & ingredient search function included. Orders, baking lists, delivery lists, invoicing... etc. € 390 / year*. Why the best can also be the cheapest. In short, our programmer is actually too expensive for the relatively small bakery software market, but he prefers the freedom of being his own boss over a top salary. Our programmer has been widely cited in scientific publications and has a groundbreaking patent to his name. Furthermore, our low price makes it impossible for our potential competitors to make a copy of our software that they could offer at an even lower price. That is why our customers are so satisfied with our software. The difference is like that between a perfect cake made by a top baker, verses an average industrial cake from a supermarket. Our software is very easy to use because it follows the baker's logic and work methods. Many of our bakers are computer illiterate, but they all like our software.
We are really very good at calculating the ingredient and nutritional value declarations based on the baker's own recipes and all the underlying recipes. The simplicity in use and scientific depth of it goes beyond anything else. Our software automatically updates the baker's website (included with the software), and on this website the customer can filter on all allergens and ingredients, including those not on the standard allergen list. All declarations are automatically updated if an underlying raw material was updated by the supplier. BakerySoftware plug-in for WordPress and WooCommerce.
After constant insistence from our bakers, our food labelling software was continuously expanded and it is now also all-in bakery software for small to medium-sized bakeries. With: printing labels, orders, baking lists, invoices, collective invoices, delivery lists, e-mails, specifications, etc... If you are missing something that would be useful to all bakers, please let us know. There is a good chance we will build it in. We are the absolute best at calculating ingredient and nutritional declarations, both in simplicity of use and in theoretical depth. That is why we are open to companies that want to integrate our software into their own products. For support, see our instruction videos. If you have another question or an error message, you can send us an email and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can download our software here. After installation, you will be given the option to request a free trial license.