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Terms & Payment

(Read this carefully)

Terms of use / User agreement

The user of the software accepts the following conditions in full and without coercion*:

In this text, the words "user of the software" mean the person(s) and/or entity who requested the license for the software, as well as the person(s) and/or the entity that downloaded the license for the software, as well as the person or entity that paid for the license for the software, as well as the person(s) and/or entity that downloaded the software, as well as the person(s) and/or entity who installed the software, as well as the person(s) and/or entity who use the software in any way.

This software is one of many digital copies of a copyrighted work provided exclusively directly by the author himself via the Internet in digital form. It is in line with: DIRECTIVE 2009/24/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 April 2009 on the legal protection of computer programs, which stipulates that the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works applies. Payments for this work are therefore expressly not compensation for a product or a service, but instead explicitly and exclusively a royalty fee. Any use, practical or otherwise, of this artwork is strictly prohibited in all cases where full indemnification of the author is judicially not possible or not achieved by the terms of use. Therefore this software should be considered solely as a work of art and its results should not be considered correct or relied upon in any way, instead the results are at best a useful inspiration to assist the user of the software. Any use, practical or otherwise, of this artwork is the sole responsibility of the user of the software. The user of the software grants full indemnification, with regard to his/her/his-or-her-authorised-representative(s) of the software/results-of-the-software, to the provider/developer of the software. The right to use/have a copy of the software/results of the software expires immediately from the moment the user of the software no longer agrees to any of these terms and conditions and the user of the software is obliged to inform the provider of the software as soon as possible, both in a legally demonstrable manner as well as in the fastest possible manner. The user of the software declares that no privacy-sensitive information was entered when applying for the software license and that all this information is in the public. The user of the software will make all necessary backups (digital and paper if necessary) and the user of the software has acquired and will maintain insurance for as long as the software/results of the software are in use, against all possible adverse consequences resulting from the use of the software/results-of-the-software by the user of the software. The exact meaning of this text should be interpreted the way a person with an Asperger type brain with little to no legal expertise would interpret it. All disputes will be settled by the court(s) of Milan under Italian jurisdiction. The total amount that may be awarded due to a legal dispute will not exceed the total amount paid for the currently active license. Refund(s) are at the discretion of the provider of the license(s) unless otherwise ordered by the above court.

* We reserve the right to change our conditions and prices in the future.


After the free trial period, and if you want to proceed with the software, you will need to purchase an annual license. Doing so does not legally bind you, or us, in any way. So you are always free to leave if you want.

When you start our software, you will then have the option to request a new license. Then check whether all information is still correct, and if so, request the new license. Your new license will then be stored directly on your PC in encrypted form. The software then starts your browser, which takes you to the payment environment. Here you can pay for your new license. After payment has been received, your new license will be activated when you start the software.

Please note, by making payment you agree that*: This payment is explicitly and exclusively a royalty fee for one of many digital copies of a copyrighted work provided exclusively directly by the author himself via the Internet in digital form. It is in line with: DIRECTIVE 2009/24/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 April 2009 on the legal protection of computer programs, which stipulates that the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works applies. This payment is therefore expressly not compensation for a product or service and also therefore expressly the author is in no way legally liable for any practical use of this copyrighted work. Italian law applies in this regard.

So you will not receive an invoice but instead a receipt directly from the author of the software.

* We reserve the right to change our conditions and prices in the future.
