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Here you will find the answers to your questions about our bakery software

Software at School
   Our software is suitable for use within the school environment.

Minimum system requirements

  • Microsoft Windows suitable for a PC (a recent version so that is still supported by Microsoft)
  • Antivirus software (we recommend "Microsoft Security Essentials" (free))
  • Internet access (for updates and license renewal)
  • An internet browser (for license renewal)
  • Internet connection for support (we use Anydesk.com)
  • A Windows compatible printer with non-erasable (legally required for labels) ink (we recommend a regular standard black and white laser printer)
  • Someone with basic computer skills who can help in an emergency


Our software is in principle suitable for all Windows printers, but there are a few things you should take into account.

PLEASE NOTE: HP now obliges users of HP products to be continuously online and logged in to HP, in order to subsequently oblige them to only purchase expensive cartridges from HP. For this reason we strongly advise you not to purchase an HP printer/products!!! This has nothing to do with the quality of the hardware, but everything to do with the commercial choices that HP has made.

By law, labels must be unerasable. This means that you cannot use inkjet printers. This is because when a frozen product thaws, condensation will form on the label, causing the text to continue. For this reason, we recommend black and white laser printers from a well-known brand. These are cheap to print and it looks very good. Some bakers have their labels pre-printed in color with their logo. If the printer then adds the text in black with razor-sharp clarity, it looks very good.

Some bakers prefer label printers. This is always a bit more difficult in practice. Firstly, the printer manufacturer often assumes that these will be installed by a specialist. This often means that the installation will be somewhat more difficult. It is possible, but you must ensure that all settings in the printer driver are correct (press properties within our software under printer selection). It is also important that you have installed the correct and most recent printer driver for your Windows version.

The most annoying problem we have encountered is the following. There are small companies that specialize in equipment for bakers and catering. These often have technically very nice label printers under their own name. The problem, however, is that these printers are often produced in China or somewhere by an unknown manufacturer under the name of the customer. It is also this unknown manufacturer who wrote the Windows printer driver for this printer. But what happens if this unknown manufacturer stops production of this model and then does not produce a printer driver for the new Windows version? If you then purchase a new PC with the latest Windows version, the printer will in many cases be useless. Therefore, always buy printers from a well-known major brand. They ensure that their old models also receive new drivers.

Finally, a warning about cheap label printers. These sometimes come with their own software. They work well with this software, but they don't work as a general Windows printer (that's why they were so cheap). You can test this by making a printout on this printer in Microsoft Word or notepad. If it doesn't work with this software, they are not Windows printers and will therefore not work with our software.

Help - The software does not start

This can sometimes happen if your antivirus software blocks our software after an update, or if your internet connection had a problem during an update.

The solution is simple in principle. Simply reinstall our software. During installation, the software will recognize your data files and not overwrite them.

In practice, however, it is better to first find out the reason why the software no longer starts. To do this, use Windows Explorer to go to "C:\BakerySoftware.com" and see if the file "Etiket.exe" or "Etiket" is still there (blue icon with a white anchor).

If so, then it was an internet problem. A reinstallation will likely fix the problem. If you prefer to replace just the problem file, you can do the following. In your browser, go to the following link , right-click with the mouse, and choose (Save link as) to "save as" the file "Etiket.exe" in "C:\BakerySoftware.com".

If not, your antivirus software has probably placed our software in the quarantine vault.

The quick solution is to search for the quarantine vault in your antivirus software and restore our software ("C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe"). Please tell your antivirus software immediately that it should also trust our software in the future (do this also for "SpecsPlaza.exe"). All antivirus software can do this.

A better option is to replace your antivirus software with free antivirus software from Microsoft (good antivirus software has no problem with our software). This software is called "Microsoft Security Essentials". This software is made by Microsoft and appears to be very good in practice (we guarantee nothing but this is our opinion). Typically, if you uninstall your old antivirus software (Start Button - Control Panel - Software), Windows will ask you if you want to install "Microsoft Security Essentials". If not, search Google for "Microsoft Security Essentials" and download it directly from Microsoft.

Help - My anti-virus software says there is a virus in it

Anti-virus software removes all software unknown to them, and it is up to you to tell them that our software is safe. Viruses are very advanced these days and are able to hide in many forms within a program. Anti-virus software can no longer find the viruses by searching for them directly. Instead, they compare all the software they find against a list of software they are familiar with. So they cannot say anything about software that is not on their list. What they do is remove all unknown software and if enough users make the effort to declare the software safe, they automatically put it on the safe list. That is a very cheap method for them to make anti-virus software.

To prevent everyone from immediately declaring software safe, they have made this extra difficult. This way they can be sure that only people with extensive computer experience try to put software on their 'safe list'. Search for: 'history', 'quarantine', 'safe', etc… and see if there is a 'Etiket.exe' file (our software) somewhere. Usually you have to right-click on it and declare it safe. But all anti-virus software is different, so it always takes some searching. Sometimes you even have to dig into the settings of the anti-virus software.

The makers of anti-virus software are competing with each other to score as high as possible in the percentage of viruses they can eliminate, because that puts them high on the success list where they try to recruit customers. But what they don't mention is how much safe software they have wrongly disabled.

Help - How can I transfer the software to another PC?

Right-click on the BakerySoftware icon and then click on properties. If all goes well, these will be in "C:\BakerySoftware.com", but it could also be in a different location. Then use Windows Explorer to copy all files with the extension ".XXX", with the exception of "Update.XXX" to a USB stick (i.e.: "Products.XXX" (your products), "Options.XXX" (a file with on options that you can adjust in notepad), "Designs.XXX" (your label designs), "ConfigCode.XXX" (your license), "SaveLocations.XXX" (where he puts backups) and possibly "Email.XXX", "Customers.XXX", "Orders.XXX", "Archive.XXX" (for when you work with orders)). And if you have imported photos, also copy the entire Images folder (as a separate folder on the USB stick).

Then go to our website on the new PC and install our software from there. Launch this software and check if everything works. Close the software and then copy the file "ConfigCode.XXX" (your license) from your USB stick to the new PC (in "C:\BakerySoftware.com") and select overwrite when the computer asks. Start the software again and check if it works. If all goes well, a lot of updates are coming in now. Close the software again and then copy the rest of the files and the Images folder to the new PC. Start the software again and see if everything works properly.

Help – How can I restore a backup to a new PC?

Step 1. First install our software from our website on your new computer and check whether it starts properly. Step 2. If you have set up our software correctly in the past, it will have made a backup of the important files every time you start up. This can be on a USB stick or an external hard drive. If you now look at this backup in the correct folder, you will see a number of numbered folders and two files. Open the file "BackEnd.XXX" in a text editor (for example, Windows Notepad). You will then see the text "DirNr = " on the second line with a number behind it. This is the number of the folder in which the last backup is stored. Step 3. Copy everything from this folder and paste it into "C:\BakerySoftware.com" on your new computer. Step 4. Say yes to overwriting the files that were already present (in "C:\BakerySoftware.com"). Step 5. If you now start our software, you will receive the error message "This software has a major problem. Call your manager now!!!". Press "OK". And press "OK" again (if you used a password, you will of course have to enter it). And then press "Ignore". You should now start the software normally again with all your data. Please contact us if this is not the case.

Help – I want to change the name of the bakery and now I have to pay?

Our licenses are in the name (and address) of the bakery, and therefore not in the name of the owner of the bakery. Changing the name is therefore (correctly) seen by the computer as applying for a license for a new bakery. And since the application for licenses is fully automated, we cannot intervene.

Software at School

The BakerySoftware.com software has been made suitable for use within the school environment.

There are three different school modes. These can be set in the Options.XXX file (eg "School Mode#=#1"). Furthermore, the location of the student's folder can also be set in this file (e.g. "School Student Folder#=#h:\BakerySoftware"). If the software is started with a shortcut without a parameter it will use the Options.XXX which is in the same folder as the software itself. But if a folder is given as a parameter (eg the shortcut "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe Y:\BakerySoftware\BakkerMode") then the Options.XXX that is in that folder is used. We will take a quick look at all three fashions.

Mode 0 ("School Mode#=#0") is the default mode. All bakery companies use this mode. Here nothing is protected and everything is possible. Bakery companies will usually use a shortcut without parameters (eg "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe"). But if teachers also want to use this mode, it is wise to place a separate Options.XXX with ("School Mode#=#0") in a separate folder that students cannot access or view. Because in this mode the user names (eg for SpecsPlaza) are readable, it is recommended not to start in this mode when students are watching. Users booting into this mode must have write permission to the folder where the software is located and they must also be connected to the Internet.

Installation instruction mode 0 for bakery companies: no adjustments necessary.

Installation instructions mode 0 for schools: Options.XXX in a separate folder that the students cannot access and a shortcut where the location of this folder is given (e.g. "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe Y:\BakerySoftware\BakkerMode").

Mode 1 ("School Mode#=#1") is the student mode. The student may not have write permission to the folder in which the software is installed. For the student, the shortcut is always without parameter (e.g. "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe"). All files that can be edited by the student are in the folder specified in Options.XXX (e.g. "School Student Folder#=#h:\BakerySoftware"). The Options.XXX for the student is always in the same folder in which the software is installed. In student mode the software does not need to be connected to the internet. Settings within the software that are set in Options.XXX cannot be adjusted by the student. If the student starts the software and the student's folder does not exist, it will be created and filled automatically. By simply deleting this folder, the software can also be easily changed.

Installation instruction mode 1: Create a folder for the student where he has read and write rights. Give the student a shortcut without parameters (e.g. "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe"). The student may not have write rights to the folder in which the software is located, but may have read rights.

Mode 2 ("School Mode#=#2") is the teacher mode. This is virtually the same as mode 0 with a few exceptions. For example, the user names have been made illegible, but the main difference is that when you close, an extra copy of the Options.XXX file (from the teacher) is placed in the same folder in which the software is located. This therefore overwrites that of the student. This copy is therefore not exactly the same, usernames and passwords have been removed, and the school mode setting has been adjusted from 2 to 1. In this way, the teacher can adjust settings in the software that then also become visible to the student. . For example, the screen settings can be adjusted in the software and these are saved underwater in Options.XXX. The Options.XXX for the teacher ("School Mode#=#2") should always be in a separate folder that the students cannot access or view. The shortcut will therefore always have a parameter (e.g. "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe Y:\BakerySoftware\TeacherMode").

Installation instruction mode 2: Copy the file "Options.XXX" to a separate folder that the student cannot access. Then open this file in Windows notepad. There are many settings in here. The format within Options.XXX is "[the name of the setting]#=#[the value you want to give it]". In Options.XXX, add a line with "School Student Folder#=#" and then enter the location of the student folder (e.g. "School Student Folder#=#h:\BakerySoftware"). Then create another line and put "School Mode#=#2" here. Now save the Options.XXX and close it. Create a shortcut for the teacher whose parameter points to the folder where this Options.XXX is located (e.g. "C:\BakerySoftware\Etiket.exe Y:\BakerySoftware\LeraarMode" if the folder is Y:\BakerySoftware\LeraarMode).

Furthermore, make sure that (in modes 0 and 2) the software can update itself and that anti-virus programs do not throw a spanner in the works. Delete the file 'Update.XXX' and start up as a teacher (press "OK", "OK", "Ignore") to test whether that goes well. Furthermore, under the "Help" on the menu page there is the option "Information". Here you can check the school settings with which the software was started.

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